I took the entire family on a brief fishing trip to a local creek. We had a few red worms and a couple of poles, but that was enough to have a memorable experience. Of course my son, the experienced angler, got right down to business and was fishing hard. My little girl (5 years old) took a little longer to get comfortable. First of all we had to find a place for her to sit down while she practiced her angling skills.
Things were going pretty good, although not many fish were biting, until we caught one and she wanted to throw it back. She was trying to grasp it when she touched one of the fins and it "stuck" her (her words). She got over this pain fast enough, but she accidentally got hooked and that ended her fishing trip immediately.
We were able to distract her by looking for other wildlife so I think we will be able to convince her to go again, but we will have to be careful that she doesn't get "stuck" again. It was a very brief outing, but made memories we will remember forever.