We sort of had a camping trip this week. My son and I have been several times but my little girl has never joined us. We thought just to be on the safe side we would start at the back of our land next to the creek. We were only a few hundred yard from the house which turned out to thea good thing. We all had a great time fishing and riding the four-wheeler and things were going great. The highlight of course was roasting hot dogs and making s'mores and playing with the fire. Things were going great and my wife even joined us for the feast, then came bed time. My little girl decided she would join my wife going back to the house so the close proximity paid off. My son and I spent the night and had a good night (at least as good of a night as you can have in a tent on the ground.) We did have a little excitement when some neighborhood dogs joined us and were barkin right behind the tent. According to my son they were doing some growling but I was asleep and didn't here anything but the barking. He is convinced they were coyotes which isn't entirely impossible but doubtful. All in all it was a great night and we learned that my little princess isn't quiet ready for a real camping trip.