The morning began as many other hunting mornings with the sun peeking up over the horizon and the stillness of the woods overcoming to the scurrying of the squirrels. We had been in the stand for an hour and half watching squirrels, chipmunks, and birds but no deer. My son saw a deer behind us and when we turned to look there were three deer walking up behind us. He turned around and had his gun on the deer and squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened. During the excitement of the first hunt of the year he had forgotten to push off his safety. I couldn't give him any directions because the deer were too close and when he tried to push of the safety the deer snorted and ran away.
We still enjoyed the day and some valuable lessons were learned that will pay off another day. The main thing was that we got to spend time together enjoying each other's company. He got to witness first hand the behavior deer exhibit when they spot you, but can't quiet figure out what you are and this is a lesson he will not soon forget.
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