A hunting pack can grow, and grow if you aren't careful. It is very important to have ample supplies, but sometimes less is more. There are a few essentials that are always a good idea to take in the woods with you. Of course, how far from the truck, or hunting camp you plan on being determines what you will need.
One of the most important things to have is a cell phone. It goes without saying that you don't want someone calling you, but it is good to have a phone for emergencies. As always it is crucial to let other people know your hunting location and when you plan on returning. When you shoot a deer it is good to call your hunting buddy and let them know you are leaving your stand. Even if you know the terrain and getting lost isn't a concern, if you fall it is good for others to know which way you went.
A trusty flashlight, with good batteries, is very important. It is great to have with you in the morning to walk to your stand and in the afternoon to get out of the woods safely. It is also good, especially on public land, because it lets other hunters that might not be so careful to let them know you aren't a deer. Very few deer have flashlights so it makes it hard to be mistaken for a deer.
A good piece of rope is also very useful for a variety of reasons. It can help you pull out your deer, and pull up your (unloaded) gun to your stand. It can also be useful for many other things and although you may go for a long time without using it ropes aren't very heavy and take up very little space.
A good hunting knife is also very important. The obvious reason is to field dress your deer, but it is good for a survival situation if you ever find yourself stranded. Making fires, making shelter, cutting vines are just a few ways a knife can come in useful. If you have your skinning knife honed to a razor sharp edge you may want to carry another knife for other purposes.
There are other items that go without saying, like extra shells, gloves, a whistle, compass (or GPS), and any calls you may be planning on using. There are many other items can come in useful, but these are some things that you need every time you enter the woods.
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