Thursday, December 27, 2012
Meat For The Freezer
We haven't done a lot of hunting this year but we finally got to go and my son got a doe which will help stock the freezer. He made a very clean shot and I was glad because it was getting a little frosty. He was very excited and to make the day even better we had bought his first pistol earlier in the day so it was a very good day. I haven't shot at anything for several years and in fact I don't even carry a rifle but seeing the excitement he gets from hunting is better than killing a big buck.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
First Buck
My son has been hunting with me for several years and we have had a great time and he has killed two does, but wasn't able to see a buck. It finally happened, he killed his first buck! He was a very excited little boy and it was a great day. He had never even seen a buck in the woods and he took advantage of the opportunity with a single shot.
The buck was a big bodied dear but the antlers were stunted; however it was a buck and made a little boy very happy. The shot was a little off from where he was aiming, but it dropped in its tracks to it was effective. Everything came together perfectly for the first hunt of the year. We have meat in the refrigerator and the pressure is off to kill a buck.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Getting Ready for Hunting Season
Cool weather means hunting season is just around the corner. It is important to check out all your equipment to ensure a safe hunting season. One of the most important things to check is your tree stand. Cord and ropes can rot and chains can rust. It may also be time to move a stand based upon the new travel patterns of the deer. There are many more things to check but many hunting injuries occur because of tree stand incidents therefore checking tree stands is crucial.
It is also a good idea to make sure the guns are in good working order and of course make sure those scopes are set correctly. You certainly don't want to miss a shot due to the scope being off. A little target practice can be a good idea as well. Due to the high price of shells, some general shooting with a 22 can help hone your skills but some shots with your hunting rifle is also important. Taking shots from different positions is important because deer don't always show up at just the right spot for an easy shot.
Many more things need to be done and future articles will mention these things but it is never too early to prepare. Of course fish are also biting so windy, rainy days are good times to prepare for the upcoming hunting season.
It is also a good idea to make sure the guns are in good working order and of course make sure those scopes are set correctly. You certainly don't want to miss a shot due to the scope being off. A little target practice can be a good idea as well. Due to the high price of shells, some general shooting with a 22 can help hone your skills but some shots with your hunting rifle is also important. Taking shots from different positions is important because deer don't always show up at just the right spot for an easy shot.
Many more things need to be done and future articles will mention these things but it is never too early to prepare. Of course fish are also biting so windy, rainy days are good times to prepare for the upcoming hunting season.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Following a Blood Trail
If you have ever deer hunted you have probably tracked a wounded deer. Here is a good article to help you. Click here for the article.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Fishing Trip
Fishing with a 1977 bass boat can be quiet trying to say the least. Limited number of fishing trips a year makes a person not want to waste any time messing with the boat. My son and I had a pretty good trip going when we realized by the smell of electrical shortage that the trim motor was having difficulties.
In spite of technical difficulties my son managed to land a few bream and we saw a deer while at the river. We spent some quality time together and learned some life lessons about how to handle things when they don't exactly as planned. Good trip, but I think it is time to get rid of the ole boat.
In spite of technical difficulties my son managed to land a few bream and we saw a deer while at the river. We spent some quality time together and learned some life lessons about how to handle things when they don't exactly as planned. Good trip, but I think it is time to get rid of the ole boat.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Great Fall Fishing Article
Here is a great article by Hank Parker about bass fishing in the fall season.
Southern outdoors: The good days are great
Southern outdoors: The good days are great: Last minute trip I ran to the lake yesterday afternoon to see if I could catch a few fish before Hurricane Isaac brought rain to the en...
Monday, September 24, 2012
Make Your Own Lure
Here is a great article about a quick way to make your own lure when you are in a bind. Click here for the article.
Lunker Hunt: Sunfish Identification, Know Your Stuff?
Lunker Hunt: Sunfish Identification, Know Your Stuff?: A dude named Wayne shot me an e-mail recently. He was building a sunfish identification quiz and was interested in using some pictures of mi...
RIVER KEEPER: Skated Chrome
RIVER KEEPER: Skated Chrome: I had been a dirt bag for days, hammering every seam with a bead, countless 18-20'' dolly Varden had fallen for my fraudulent offering of a ...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Hunting Season
Hunting season is right around the corner. Dove season officially kicks off the hunting season in Alabama this weekend. Dove season for many is just an excuse to get out the guns and start getting ready for the other hunting seasons around the corner.
Many organizations have dove fields ready to hunt for a small fee. Safety is a major concern on these hunts. Fields are traditionally crowded and it is rare to know many of the other hunters. One must be careful to choose a location that has birds available but yet is arranged to ensure the safety of the hunters. Common sense should rule the day but as the saying goes, "Common sense is not so common.".
Low flying birds present the most dangerous situation sine the opportunity for a more direct hit from a gunshot is at its highest. Everyone should be alert and exercise self control when the birds are flying. This is especially important for young hunters who become excited and shoot before they think. It is important for young hunters to be accompanied by an experienced hunter to help me make good decisions.
With good hunting etiquette can ensure a great time and some good eating as well.
Many organizations have dove fields ready to hunt for a small fee. Safety is a major concern on these hunts. Fields are traditionally crowded and it is rare to know many of the other hunters. One must be careful to choose a location that has birds available but yet is arranged to ensure the safety of the hunters. Common sense should rule the day but as the saying goes, "Common sense is not so common.".
Low flying birds present the most dangerous situation sine the opportunity for a more direct hit from a gunshot is at its highest. Everyone should be alert and exercise self control when the birds are flying. This is especially important for young hunters who become excited and shoot before they think. It is important for young hunters to be accompanied by an experienced hunter to help me make good decisions.
With good hunting etiquette can ensure a great time and some good eating as well.
Friday, June 1, 2012
It has been a while since our last trip but my son and I finally were able to wet a hook. He caught two catfish and one bream but it was still nice to get out and do a little fishing. The wind as horrible and it was the day after a cold front so we didn't expect too much. It was pretty cool for June, but all in all it is a nice day when I am out with my little buddy.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Dry Spell
This is my busy time of the year (plus my boat needs repair)so I haven't had time to do any fishing. We are still looking forward to having some time and my son is about to go crazy wanting to go fishing. I am right there with him and it will not be long and we will be wetting a hook.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012

We sort of had a camping trip this week. My son and I have been several times but my little girl has never joined us. We thought just to be on the safe side we would start at the back of our land next to the creek. We were only a few hundred yard from the house which turned out to thea good thing. We all had a great time fishing and riding the four-wheeler and things were going great. The highlight of course was roasting hot dogs and making s'mores and playing with the fire. Things were going great and my wife even joined us for the feast, then came bed time. My little girl decided she would join my wife going back to the house so the close proximity paid off. My son and I spent the night and had a good night (at least as good of a night as you can have in a tent on the ground.) We did have a little excitement when some neighborhood dogs joined us and were barkin right behind the tent. According to my son they were doing some growling but I was asleep and didn't here anything but the barking. He is convinced they were coyotes which isn't entirely impossible but doubtful. All in all it was a great night and we learned that my little princess isn't quiet ready for a real camping trip.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Catfish and Crappie

My son and I set out to catch some slab crappie. We didn't get the slabs and ended up only catching four small crappie. We were fishing with minnows about two feet under the surface in five to ten feet of water. We never expected to catch catfish but they out numbered the crappie. I don't know if they are getting ready to spawn but with the early spring we are having, who knows.
We had a great time and my wife and little girl came and joined us for a picnic. While we were at the dock, my son couldn't help but wet a worm and caught a few miniature bream. My little girl got ion the action and caught her first fish at the river. She has caught a few at the creek behind our house but for some reason she doesn't count those because she wasn't at the river. Now she can say she has caught a fish, and although it was probably about 2 inches long it counted.
To end off a great day we cleaned and ate the crappie and catfish (not the bream). It was like a scene out of Swamp People and just for good measure my son even named his fish "Big Bubba." It was a great day, caught fish, picnic with family, and ate some good ole fried fish.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
My Little Girl's First Fishing Trip
My son and I have been fishing together for several years, but most of the time my little girl stayed at home. She has done a little fishing in small segments but not on a day's excursion with us. She is finally old enough to join us safely. We started like I started my son, fishing from the bank.
The weather conditions were not that great but we knew we would have fun. We carried minnows and worms and ended up using more worms than anything. We were basically just trying to find anything that would bite. After several tries we ended up catching s few small bream. Although our youngest "fisherperson" didn't catch one all by herself she had a great time. We made sure to move frequently and not take it too seriously. We found several shells and threw some rocks in the water just to make the trip a little more fun.
My son was a real trooper, even though it wasn't quite the same type of trip he is accustomed to taking he had a great attitude and was a great big brother. The laughs and the giggles were priceless and it will not be soon forgotten. The little picnic made the day complete and we had a great time. The only problem, if you call it a problem, is both of them will want to go every trip. I am not ready to take both of them in the boat so some negotiations will certainly be in our future.
The weather conditions were not that great but we knew we would have fun. We carried minnows and worms and ended up using more worms than anything. We were basically just trying to find anything that would bite. After several tries we ended up catching s few small bream. Although our youngest "fisherperson" didn't catch one all by herself she had a great time. We made sure to move frequently and not take it too seriously. We found several shells and threw some rocks in the water just to make the trip a little more fun.
My son was a real trooper, even though it wasn't quite the same type of trip he is accustomed to taking he had a great attitude and was a great big brother. The laughs and the giggles were priceless and it will not be soon forgotten. The little picnic made the day complete and we had a great time. The only problem, if you call it a problem, is both of them will want to go every trip. I am not ready to take both of them in the boat so some negotiations will certainly be in our future.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Crapppie Time

Although I haven't had a chance to wet a hook, I have friends who are tearing them up. Crappie are biting in North Alabama and the warm weather makes it easy on the fisherman. Several reports of good catches are coming in daily. The fish are good quantity and good quality. Hopefully, I will get to try my luck in a few days.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Bank Fishing
Here is a great article summarizing the bank fishing locations in north Alabama. Click here for the article.
Wheeler Dam Fishing
Here is a good article about fishing below Wheeler Dam. You never know what you might catch below the dam. Click here for the article.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Great Link For Crappie Fishing
I found this great link for those who love to crappie fish. Click here for the link.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Final Hunt of the Year
We didn't bag a deer this year but we still had a great time. We moved positions the last day but no deer were insight. At least we didn't see them where we had been hunting. Some years just don't turn out too productive in terms of meat but still productive in terms of quality time. My son and I enjoyed many hours of spending time together. Another blessing is that we hunt where I grew up and each hunting trip involved spending time with my parents which was great for my son and his grandparents.
One of the great things about hunting is spending time with family. When hunting involves three generations the time is even more special. There were no deer in this area when I was growing up so we spent our time quail hunting and squirrel hunting. It is great to spend time in the same woods as I spent with my Dad and Grandfather. Unfortunately my son never got the pleasure of meeting my grandfather but through our hunting trips it seemed that he was with us enjoying the experience with us.
It is good that hunting success isn't measured strictly in terms of the number of animals that are taken (especially since most of our trips do not end in a trip to the deer processor). As we say all the time, "that is why they call it hunting and not shooting."
One of the great things about hunting is spending time with family. When hunting involves three generations the time is even more special. There were no deer in this area when I was growing up so we spent our time quail hunting and squirrel hunting. It is great to spend time in the same woods as I spent with my Dad and Grandfather. Unfortunately my son never got the pleasure of meeting my grandfather but through our hunting trips it seemed that he was with us enjoying the experience with us.
It is good that hunting success isn't measured strictly in terms of the number of animals that are taken (especially since most of our trips do not end in a trip to the deer processor). As we say all the time, "that is why they call it hunting and not shooting."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
One More Chance
My son and I have one more chance to bag a deer this hunting season. The last weekend of the hunting season brings many memories although we haven't killed a deer this year. We will be spending the day near our usual hunting location. We have seen deer but haven't taken a shot because they were too far away. We are going to adjust our hunting location to hopefully get a little closer to where they have been crossing. I know Murphy's law says they will come out where we have been hunting but we are going to give it a shot.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Coyote Hunting
As deer season winds down many hunters look towards coyotes as a way to keep hunting until the weather warms enough to start fishing. I am not very experienced at coyote hunting but here is a great article about hunting hunting. Click here got the article.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Alabama Fish Species
Here is a great site showing the various species of fish in Alabama. The picture are great and it has great information about each species. Click here for the link.
Rain Out
The hunting season is winding down and the weather will not cooperate with us. This was the next to last weekend to hunt and thunderstorms put a damper on our hunting trips. A little rain is one thing but flooding and thunderstorms is not my idea of good hunting conditions. We are now aiming for next Saturday which will be our last chance to fill the freezer this year.
How to Age Your Buck
I hope this article helps you learn how to age your deer.. Personally I have read articles and watch people do it and I still don't get it but maybe it will help you.
Click here for the article and good luck.
Click here for the article and good luck.
Wildlife Management 101
Here is a great article about managing deer, elk, and it answers the question, "Why do we hunt turkeys in the Spring." Click here for the article
Friday, January 20, 2012
Cooking Fish
Here is an article from Frshwater Fishing Blog. I hope you enjoy it.
How To Cook Your Freshwater Fish
So you’ve caught your favorite freshwater fish – congratulations! How are you going to cook it? Well …
If you’d like some tips on how to make your fish taste as good as it can, I think you’ll like today’s guest post by Benjamin Castillo!
10 Cooking Tips for Freshwater Catches
According to the American Heart Association, two servings of fish per week provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can prevent plaque buildup and may help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. While this comes as good news to seafood lovers, many others are apprehensive about adding fish to their diet, simply because they don’t know how to prepare it in such a way so it will taste good. However, this can be remedied without having to take classes at one of the many cooking schools found online. Read on to discover some tips that will help you get the most flavor out of your freshwater fish.
1.) Make sure the fish you’re using is fresh. Fresh fish should not smell fishy, and should have a moist, shiny appearance with rosy pink gills.
2.) Be careful not to use too much water when cleaning your fish, as this tends to firm the meat.
3.) Consider the type of fish you are preparing. The color of the meat, its flavor and its texture all play a role in determining the best cooking method. Fish with lighter meat, such as catfish, should be broiled or poached, while darker, firmer meats, like that found on trout, can benefit from the enhanced smokiness of the grill.
4.) Know when to say “when” during the cooking process. Fish is done when it is white in color and is flaky. If you overcook your fish, you will end up with a tough and flavorless piece of meat.
5.) If you are considering frying your fish, stick with a dryer fish, like trout, rather than one that contains a lot of oil, such as salmon. Fish with a lot of oil will stay too moist for any breading to properly adhere and crisp, resulting in a soggy mess.
6.) Deep frying is a popular method for cooking catfish. However be sure that whatever oil you decide to use will not smoke or burn at or below 375 degrees, as this temperature is required to properly deep fry your fish.
7.) When grilling meatier fish, consider using indirect heat. This will slow down the cooking process, allowing the center of the fish to cook without burning the outer skin.
8.) A common mistake that people make when cooking fish is turning it too many times. If the fish is less than a half-inch thick, no turning is required.
9.) Cooking fish in the microwave can be problematic, due to the inability to constantly view the fish. A good rule of thumb is to cook fish for about eight to ten minutes per inch of thickness.
10.) One of the best parts about cooking fish is that any leftovers can be frozen. Leaner fish can last up to six months, while fattier fish only last about three months. Regardless, leftover fish should be thrown away when the meat becomes mushy.
Clearly freshwater fish are an excellent addition to any diet. However, cooking a delicious meal using these fish doesn’t have to be a mysterious process. With a little research and practice, anyone can create a delicious, nutritious meal for their friends and family!
Thank you Benjamin!
How To Cook Your Freshwater Fish
So you’ve caught your favorite freshwater fish – congratulations! How are you going to cook it? Well …
If you’d like some tips on how to make your fish taste as good as it can, I think you’ll like today’s guest post by Benjamin Castillo!
10 Cooking Tips for Freshwater Catches
According to the American Heart Association, two servings of fish per week provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can prevent plaque buildup and may help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. While this comes as good news to seafood lovers, many others are apprehensive about adding fish to their diet, simply because they don’t know how to prepare it in such a way so it will taste good. However, this can be remedied without having to take classes at one of the many cooking schools found online. Read on to discover some tips that will help you get the most flavor out of your freshwater fish.
1.) Make sure the fish you’re using is fresh. Fresh fish should not smell fishy, and should have a moist, shiny appearance with rosy pink gills.
2.) Be careful not to use too much water when cleaning your fish, as this tends to firm the meat.
3.) Consider the type of fish you are preparing. The color of the meat, its flavor and its texture all play a role in determining the best cooking method. Fish with lighter meat, such as catfish, should be broiled or poached, while darker, firmer meats, like that found on trout, can benefit from the enhanced smokiness of the grill.
4.) Know when to say “when” during the cooking process. Fish is done when it is white in color and is flaky. If you overcook your fish, you will end up with a tough and flavorless piece of meat.
5.) If you are considering frying your fish, stick with a dryer fish, like trout, rather than one that contains a lot of oil, such as salmon. Fish with a lot of oil will stay too moist for any breading to properly adhere and crisp, resulting in a soggy mess.
6.) Deep frying is a popular method for cooking catfish. However be sure that whatever oil you decide to use will not smoke or burn at or below 375 degrees, as this temperature is required to properly deep fry your fish.
7.) When grilling meatier fish, consider using indirect heat. This will slow down the cooking process, allowing the center of the fish to cook without burning the outer skin.
8.) A common mistake that people make when cooking fish is turning it too many times. If the fish is less than a half-inch thick, no turning is required.
9.) Cooking fish in the microwave can be problematic, due to the inability to constantly view the fish. A good rule of thumb is to cook fish for about eight to ten minutes per inch of thickness.
10.) One of the best parts about cooking fish is that any leftovers can be frozen. Leaner fish can last up to six months, while fattier fish only last about three months. Regardless, leftover fish should be thrown away when the meat becomes mushy.
Clearly freshwater fish are an excellent addition to any diet. However, cooking a delicious meal using these fish doesn’t have to be a mysterious process. With a little research and practice, anyone can create a delicious, nutritious meal for their friends and family!
Thank you Benjamin!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Too Far
Another day where the deer were too far away for a shot. The deer came out at the same location they have two different times this year so we are thinking about moving locations. The only problem is that we do not have a stand at that location and it is too late in the year to cause such a disturbance. We are probably going to find a spot to hunt off the ground where we have been seeing the deer next time. Of course we know the deer will probably come out right under our stand but that is why they call it hunting.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Declining Chances
The hunting season is winding down and we have yet to bag a deer. We started the year looking for the elusive buck, but as the year goes on, the freezer is getting empty and we are ready to settle for a doe. We have had some bad weather and scheduling issues that have caused us to hunt less this year.
My son is very patient and thankfully enjoys spending time in the woods even if we come up a little short, but we are both ready for some venison. The weather once again is not in our favor, but sometimes luck is just as good as planning and prepartation. We are hoping to get lucky as we hunt tomorrow in very familiar places. Whether we get a deer or not, we are looking forward to the trip. The only down side of the trip is getting up at 4:00.
My son is very patient and thankfully enjoys spending time in the woods even if we come up a little short, but we are both ready for some venison. The weather once again is not in our favor, but sometimes luck is just as good as planning and prepartation. We are hoping to get lucky as we hunt tomorrow in very familiar places. Whether we get a deer or not, we are looking forward to the trip. The only down side of the trip is getting up at 4:00.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Missed One? Must Be The Scope
If you have missed a trophy lately, it could be buck fever, wind, branches, or your scope could be a little off center. Here is an article about getting that scope back in place so the next trophy goes in the truck. Click here for the article.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Hunting With Friends
Every year around Christmas, a friend of mine invites my son and I on a hunting trip at their camp. Last year both boys got a deer and it was a fruitful trip in every way. This year we didn't get a deer, but had just as much fun hanging out and catching up on old times. Both boys have fun playing outside with their new "toys" and playing video games in the camper.
Hunting is a small part of what we do at the camp. We always get in some quality hours in the stand, but more importantly we share memories that will last long after the last bit of deer meat is gone from the freezer. The great thing about hunting and fishing is all the adventures that take place while hunting. You never know what is going to happen and if the current trip is fairly uneventful, there is always time to reminisce about past adventures.
Hunting is a small part of what we do at the camp. We always get in some quality hours in the stand, but more importantly we share memories that will last long after the last bit of deer meat is gone from the freezer. The great thing about hunting and fishing is all the adventures that take place while hunting. You never know what is going to happen and if the current trip is fairly uneventful, there is always time to reminisce about past adventures.
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