Cool weather means hunting season is just around the corner. It is important to check out all your equipment to ensure a safe hunting season. One of the most important things to check is your tree stand. Cord and ropes can rot and chains can rust. It may also be time to move a stand based upon the new travel patterns of the deer. There are many more things to check but many hunting injuries occur because of tree stand incidents therefore checking tree stands is crucial.
It is also a good idea to make sure the guns are in good working order and of course make sure those scopes are set correctly. You certainly don't want to miss a shot due to the scope being off. A little target practice can be a good idea as well. Due to the high price of shells, some general shooting with a 22 can help hone your skills but some shots with your hunting rifle is also important. Taking shots from different positions is important because deer don't always show up at just the right spot for an easy shot.
Many more things need to be done and future articles will mention these things but it is never too early to prepare. Of course fish are also biting so windy, rainy days are good times to prepare for the upcoming hunting season.
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